Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Baileigh Grace did today.....

So, when I started Baileigh Grace 3 1/2 years ago it was just me. In a little tiny office where I cut fabric on a cardboard cutting board on the floor. The FLOOR. Since then I have evolved into almost quadruple that space and I have tables & storage & more resources than I ever dreamed imaginable way back when. And it's still just me here, usually. Cutting fabric, dreaming up designs and fabric combinations, updating the website, working on Quickbooks in the middle of the night....yep, that's me going to bed with my bff the laptop.

Sidenote: There are occasions in which, to be polite, Ben will ask if he can help and I take him up on the offer. That sweet boy has done every step it takes to make a pillowcase dress. He tells me to never tell anyone he is sewing up my hems. And I love to tell EVERYONE.

But it's not just really me. It's my best friends (including one that has mad photography skills... Go here to fall in love with Abby Libsack Photography...) who push me to keep going and stay motivated. It's the little girls who come over and pick out the fabric they love, and the grandmothers who are always needing something special. It's my kids who don't mind if their dinner is a little late so I can finish up a rush order and my husband who puts up with some wicked exhaustion induced tantrums. It's a girl in Florida whom I have talked to less than I count on one hand that holds my heart & inspires me EVERY SINGLE time I am in contact with her. And this weekend it was little girls and boys who made Baileigh Grace designs look effortless, and their mothers who have raised them to be the sweetest little human beings.

I adore you all....thanks for making this madness that is Baileigh Grace.


  1. This made me cry! The feelings are 100% mutual, my dear. I'm in constant awe of your style, creativity and passion for life and all you do. Cheers to Dressing Out Loud!

    Hugs from FL :o)

  2. I love the floral skirt.....I could so see that on Miss Nat!
